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Eye contact

8 Ways Eye Contact Can Make or Break Your Presentation

"When you are first introduced to people, looking them in the eye or avoiding their gaze will send an instant message," says an article published in Research Digest titled. Initiating eye connection is a universal premise in public speaking—it ignites a connection between the speaker and the audience. It is the key to coalescing your core message and excellent delivery. As a presenter, your main goal is to clearly convey a message to your spectators. Whether your presentation tackles business [...]

Boosting Productivity with the Help of Nature

Do you find a certain monotony in your professional life wherein you feel cooped up in a little concrete square during work hours? Are you distracted by the many different sights, sounds, and miscellaneous goings-on in the office? Is this dip, if not crash, in productivity immensely affecting your performance? Then perhaps you need a bit—or a lot—of nature. It’s a known fact that spending time outdoors can be beneficial to your health. Not only can you soak up vitamin [...]