Author - Princess Anaviso

Illustration of a person carrying several shopping bags with the text "Customers Are Always RIGHT Or Are They?" in bold, colorful fonts. The casually dressed person with short hair stands against a green and peach background. Perfect as a PowerPoint slide, the SlideStore logo is in the bottom right corner.

Customers Are Always Right—Or Are They?

The business world had first heard the maxim, “The customer is always right,” when Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of the Selfridge department store in London, used it to reassure customers that they can always expect good service from his company. More than a century later, it’s still being applied by many business giants, often to the exasperation of employees. Decade after decade, this mentality has been drilled into the heads of entrepreneurs. Workers are told to look beyond the [...]

Illustration of two men in ties using tin can telephones to communicate in an office setting. The background text reads, "How Deep Listening Results in Better Understanding." Both appear engaged in the playful conversation, making for a fun and effective PowerPoint slide. The image is by SlideStore.

How Deep Listening Results to Better Understanding

Communication in today’s landscape is one big irony. While the different forms of digital media are thriving, face-to-face conversations are braving what could be called “dark times.” People today are more preoccupied than before—they tend to listen less and talk more. Unsatisfying communication is rampant in both the small setting and the big picture. We see relationships crumble and fights ensue because of the poor way spouses, parents, children, neighbors, friends, and colleagues communicate. We all suffer and endure [...]