
Celebrating Small Business Independence This Fourth of July

Fourth of July: A Celebration of Small Business Independence

Americans sure love independence. The biggest event in the country happens every fourth of July as a celebration of its emancipation from foreign governments. During that day, pompous fireworks displays fill the atmosphere and flag-laden parades grace the streets. If Americans can go to great lengths to commemorate their history and government, they can surely do the same to honor not only their personal freedom but also the independence attained by their small businesses. According to the U.S. Small Business [...]

Dealing with 3 Basic Questions after a Business Presentation

Answering the 3 Frequently Asked Questions in a Business Presentation

Engaging into a question and answer session with the audience is the best way for you to get feedback. Being offered their opinion about how you did and how well the whole talk was makes your presentation more engaging and further clarifies the points you’ve made. Additionally, it gives you insights on how you can make better presentations in the future. You won’t be able to cover every detail during your business presentation, so it’s important to always anticipate questions [...]