
A red background image with white and black lettering that reads "Stock Photography and How It Can Ruin Presentation Design." Below the text, five blank polaroid photos hang on a clothesline. The image is branded with the "SlideStore" logo in the bottom right corner.

Stock Photography and How It Can Ruin Presentation Design

Look around you. You’re bound to see a picture or ten. It’s amazing how images have permeated the collective mind. But in hindsight, they have always had the power to do so. Historically, cave paintings served as the first method of documentation. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics were mostly drawn or carved. One could even say that everything you see is an image, scientifically speaking. With that much influence, it’s no wonder that pictures have spread far and deep into the collective [...]

A person sitting in an office chair, facing two computer monitors on a desk, against a pink background. The text reads, "Sparking your imagination for a fantastic sales pitch." The image has three hanging lamps and a potted plant near the desk.

Sparking Your Imagination for a Great Sales Pitch

It’s hard to start a project that isn’t particularly inspiring to do. Much more if you’ve somehow gotten yourself in a creative rut, self-brought or otherwise. If you find it difficult to come up with a sales pitch, then it’s time to start doing it differently, specifically the planning. Working on a new project that doesn’t interest you actually feels like it’s taking so much mental energy and focus. Even forcing yourself to do it leaves you feeling tired. When you’re [...]