Presentation Science

A graphic with the text "Presentation Slide NO-NO'S That You Can Fix." It features a blueprint of a house, accompanied by tools like a hammer, screwdriver, ruler, wrench, glasses, pencil, and eraser. The background shows a faint, technical drawing pattern.

Presentation Design No-No’s That You Can Fix

The way presenters design their pitches has evolved. As Microsoft PowerPoint launches new features that boast of contemporary design and high-end technology, users become more aggressive and innovative in creating their slides. Pitches have become more promising, ultimately helping businesses attain their goals. Despite the progression, some presenters still fail to provide a visually-appealing pitch that can entice their audiences. Ugly typefaces, tacky transitions, and pixelated images continue to surface, making a presentation look horrible, or worse, unprofessional. Fortunately, with a [...]

Illustration of a person in a suit standing at a podium, surrounded by multiple microphones held by different hands. The text above reads, "Answering the 3 Frequently Asked Questions in a Business Presentation." The SlideGenius logo is in the bottom right corner of the PowerPoint slide.

Answering the 3 Frequently Asked Questions in a Business Presentation

Engaging into a question and answer session with the audience is the best way for you to get feedback. Being offered their opinion about how you did and how well the whole talk was makes your presentation more engaging and further clarifies the points you’ve made. Additionally, it gives you insights on how you can make better presentations in the future. You won’t be able to cover every detail during your business presentation, so it’s important to always anticipate questions [...]

Illustration of three professionals seated at a table with the text "7 Ways to Recapture a Bored Audience" above them. The background is a light orange color, and "SlideStore" is visible in the bottom right corner. Ideal for your next Presentation Slide.

7 Ways to Recapture a Bored Audience

As a presenter taking the limelight, you shouldn’t expect the audience to give you their full attention outright. You have to understand that they have other stuff going on in their lives. You can’t force them to listen, but you can try to win their time and attention. One way to earn your place in the spotlight is to prepare for your presentation beforehand. Polish your content and decide on the best style of delivery. Make sure the method [...]

Illustration of a bearded man wearing glasses and a suit standing behind a wooden podium with houses in the background. The text above him reads "5 Ways PowerPoint Presentation Slides Can Improve Business Leads." The image is branded with the logo "SLIDESTORE.

5 Ways PowerPoint Presentations Can Improve Business Leads

When someone says the word “marketing,” the initial thoughts that come to people’s minds are sales talking, customer service, advertising, and/or social media and blog posts, or any combination thereof. It may not be wrong, but surely the concept has deeper roots than just getting a “come on” for people to trade their hard-earned cash for a product or a service. For the better business-minded people out there, the focus of the game has shifted to customer experience, the concept [...]

Illustration of an owl holding a chart with graphs in one wing and a book in another. The title reads "5 Rules When Presenting Hard Data" on the PowerPoint slide, featuring the "SlideStore Technologies" logo at the bottom right. The background is light blue with a radial gradient.

5 Rules When Presenting Hard Data

Business communication is a skill that, simple though it may appear, takes a lot of effort to master. Every professional, regardless of rank or specialization, ought to learn the basics of delivering presentations, as this skill can come in handy when relaying a new business opportunity or spreading news about the success of a new initiative. If your career leans more towards the technical side, it’s all the more important for you to grasp data storytelling at its fullest. It’s [...]

Illustration of a tired person rubbing their eye with the text "Fighting Off Sleepiness Before a Presentation" beside them. The background features abstract shapes and lines in various colors, giving a whimsical feel, perfect for a PowerPoint slide. SlideStore logo in the bottom right corner.

Fighting Off Sleepiness Before a Presentation

You beat the deadline and made sure that everything in your deck looks right. But one look at the clock and you realize it’s already deep into the night. Deeper than you expected. And you’ve got to wake up on time the next day. To make sure you’re not late for your presentation (which is why you crammed in the first place), you sleep less hours. This trade-off might not be that great since you’ve compromised your delivery—exhausted, sleepy, and all [...]

A person sits on an office chair with one hand behind their head, facing two computer monitors on a desk. The background is purple with abstract line patterns. On the left, white text reads "Sparking Your Imagination for a Great Sales Pitch." The SlideStore logo graces the bottom right of the PowerPoint slide.

Sparking Your Imagination for a Great Sales Pitch

It’s hard to start a project that isn’t particularly inspiring to do. Much more if you’ve somehow gotten yourself in a creative rut, self-brought or otherwise. If you find it difficult to come up with a sales pitch, then it’s time to start doing it differently, specifically the planning. Working on a new project that doesn’t interest you actually feels like it’s taking so much mental energy and focus. Even forcing yourself to do it leaves you feeling tired. When you’re [...]

3 Questions to Answer Before Picking Fonts for Your Presentation

Choosing the Right Fonts for Your Presentation

Back in the day, when a global connectivity system, computers, and all these technological advancements were decades, even centuries, away from being invented, no one had the trouble of choosing what font to use for their works. Everything that people had—some without much choice—were their hands and what amounted to pens. Getting something on paper was all manual labor, and how readable manuscripts were depended not only on the conventions and foundations of the language but also on how [...]