
A cartoon of a speaker on stage with a microphone, raising one hand, and facing an audience. The text reads "Overcoming Nerves When Giving a Presentation." The background is red with a spotlight on the speaker. The SlideStore logo is in the bottom right corner of the PowerPoint slide.

Overcoming Nerves When Giving a Presentation

Giving a presentation doesn’t always come naturally, especially when standing in front of a crowd isn’t your forte. It’s a skill that takes time to learn and perform just like singing or acting. As much as you practice, though, one thing can derail you: stage fright. It’s a whole different experience when you’re rehearsing in a confined and controlled environment compared to when standing in front of a crowd. Fear is inevitable. It is the usual initial feeling people have when [...]

A person sits on an office chair with one hand behind their head, facing two computer monitors on a desk. The background is purple with abstract line patterns. On the left, white text reads "Sparking Your Imagination for a Great Sales Pitch." The SlideStore logo graces the bottom right of the PowerPoint slide.

Sparking Your Imagination for a Great Sales Pitch

It’s hard to start a project that isn’t particularly inspiring to do. Much more if you’ve somehow gotten yourself in a creative rut, self-brought or otherwise. If you find it difficult to come up with a sales pitch, then it’s time to start doing it differently, specifically the planning. Working on a new project that doesn’t interest you actually feels like it’s taking so much mental energy and focus. Even forcing yourself to do it leaves you feeling tired. When you’re [...]

A cartoon character in a red shirt points to a computer monitor displaying a presentation slide with the text "FUNDAMENTAL ELEMENTS OF A STRONG POWERPOINT SLIDE." The background features a green, textured pattern, and the SlideStore logo is in the bottom right corner.

Fundamental Elements of a Strong PowerPoint Slide

Have you ever wondered about the makings of a perfect slide? Or if not perfect, at least a strong and impressionable one? Many answers are found online, and for just as many reasons, that you just can’t be sure which is correct. You could say, of course, that there are niche functions for what objects or elements you put on your deck, but does that make your slides strong individually and/or as a whole? Blank slides often bear no weight, [...]

A graphic of a person holding a tablet displaying the text "6 Useful Mobile Applications for Public Speakers" on a white screen. The background is pink with radiating lines, creating a spotlight effect reminiscent of a presentation slide. The image is branded with a tiny "SLIDESHARE" logo in the corner.

6 Useful Mobile Applications for Public Speakers

In this era, dependence on technology has never been higher, flow of information is better than ever, and communication is faster. One gift of technology is the smartphone. Whatever brand you have, the ease of use and accessibility a smartphone offers means flexibility, especially when the Internet is concerned. This 24/7 connectivity is practically why these mobile gadgets are essential. With smartphones come applications, software programs you can install and update through the App Store for Apple, Google Play for Android, [...]