Presentation Science

Cartoon of a person sitting at a desk looking frustrated at a computer screen displaying the PowerPoint slide logo. Text on the image says, "WORKING WITH AN AWFUL-LOOKING POWERPOINT TEMPLATE." The Slidestore logo is at the bottom right corner.

Working with an Awful-Looking PowerPoint Template

Corporate PowerPoint templates are notorious for their impracticality and ineffectiveness. This is because they’re usually created by people with limited knowledge or experience in design. If you are guilty of this sin, then you should hire a slide design professional who can amp up your template’s look and feel. The aesthetics of your presentation can reflect the amount of dedication you put in it, so make sure you create a template that is engaging and attractive. The general goals of [...]

A colorful illustration showing kitchen items and ingredients around an open recipe book. Text overlay reads, "A Recipe for Cooking Presentation Ideas: Important Questions to Ask." Features a bowl, whisk, rolling pin, vegetables, knife, cutting board, oven mitt, and a PowerPoint slide.

A Recipe for Cooking Presentation Ideas: Important Questions to Ask

Everything starts with an idea. Writers invoke Muses for inspiration; scientists gather data to make a breakthrough; and speakers brainstorm before preparing a presentation. This all sounds so simple in writing, but when you’re faced with the actual task of coming up with ideas, you might find yourself in a barren and lonely land. All too often, creative people struggle against creative block, a seemingly dead-end state that leaves them high and dry. When you’re stuck in this state, things [...]

A graphic of a person holding a tablet displaying the text "6 Useful Mobile Applications for Public Speakers" on a white screen. The background is pink with radiating lines, creating a spotlight effect reminiscent of a presentation slide. The image is branded with a tiny "SLIDESHARE" logo in the corner.

6 Useful Mobile Applications for Public Speakers

In this era, dependence on technology has never been higher, flow of information is better than ever, and communication is faster. One gift of technology is the smartphone. Whatever brand you have, the ease of use and accessibility a smartphone offers means flexibility, especially when the Internet is concerned. This 24/7 connectivity is practically why these mobile gadgets are essential. With smartphones come applications, software programs you can install and update through the App Store for Apple, Google Play for Android, [...]

SlideStore: An Entrepreneur’s Portal to Presentations

PowerPoint has clearly established its reputation as the go-to medium for presentations. Boasting a billion installations worldwide in its three-decade existence, the slideshow software is undoubtedly a popular tool for business and educational communication. Although many similar applications have emerged in the past, many still choose PowerPoint because of its familiarity and simplicity. With it, users can intuitively add multimedia to boost the visual impact of their decks. Aside from that, it’s easier to simplify complex ideas in a slideshow [...]