
Recover unsaved powerpoint files

Save Your Deck: Methods to Recover an Unsaved PowerPoint File

Sheer panic—that's probably your first reaction when you realize that you weren't able to save the PowerPoint file you were working on. Maybe the power went out or your computer unexpectedly crashed. Maybe you were too preoccupied that you didn't think to hit "Save." Whatever the reason, you've suddenly lost hours of hard work and you have no clue how to get it all back. Luckily, there's no reason to stress over losing an unsaved PowerPoint file. If you're using the [...]

Eye contact

8 Ways Eye Contact Can Make or Break Your Presentation

"When you are first introduced to people, looking them in the eye or avoiding their gaze will send an instant message," says an article published in Research Digest titled. Initiating eye connection is a universal premise in public speaking—it ignites a connection between the speaker and the audience. It is the key to coalescing your core message and excellent delivery. As a presenter, your main goal is to clearly convey a message to your spectators. Whether your presentation tackles business [...]

Why ‘The Customer Is Always Right’ Mentality Is Wrong

Customers Are Always Right—Or Are They?

The business world had first heard the maxim, “The customer is always right,” when Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of the Selfridge department store in London, used it to reassure customers that they can always expect good service from his company. More than a century later, it’s still being applied by many business giants, often to the exasperation of employees. Decade after decade, this mentality has been drilled into the heads of entrepreneurs. Workers are told to look beyond the [...]

Boosting Productivity with the Help of Nature

Do you find a certain monotony in your professional life wherein you feel cooped up in a little concrete square during work hours? Are you distracted by the many different sights, sounds, and miscellaneous goings-on in the office? Is this dip, if not crash, in productivity immensely affecting your performance? Then perhaps you need a bit—or a lot—of nature. It’s a known fact that spending time outdoors can be beneficial to your health. Not only can you soak up vitamin [...]

Deep Listening as a Tool for Improving the Way We Communicate

How Deep Listening Results to Better Understanding

Communication in today’s landscape is one big irony. While the different forms of digital media are thriving, face-to-face conversations are braving what could be called “dark times.” People today are more preoccupied than before—they tend to listen less and talk more. Unsatisfying communication is rampant in both the small setting and the big picture. We see relationships crumble and fights ensue because of the poor way spouses, parents, children, neighbors, friends, and colleagues communicate. We all suffer and endure [...]

Enriching Your Creativity Through 20 Activities

20 Habits That Will Fuel Your Creativity

Writers know the feeling of a writer’s block: forced imageries, that slight and awkward change in style, words being eked out just to say that something is written. Along a similar vein, visual artists suffer the same. There’s no inspiration. No guiding hand on the canvas. No mind’s eye seeing what a piece could look like or even a little imagination for a pitch. The worst part is that a creativity block can afflict anyone, even those not particularly [...]

Improving Three of the Most Common Presentation Design Mistakes

Presentation Design No-No’s That You Can Fix

The way presenters design their pitches has evolved. As Microsoft PowerPoint launches new features that boast of contemporary design and high-end technology, users become more aggressive and innovative in creating their slides. Pitches have become more promising, ultimately helping businesses attain their goals. Despite the progression, some presenters still fail to provide a visually-appealing pitch that can entice their audiences. Ugly typefaces, tacky transitions, and pixelated images continue to surface, making a presentation look horrible, or worse, unprofessional. Fortunately, with a [...]

Celebrating Small Business Independence This Fourth of July

Fourth of July: A Celebration of Small Business Independence

Americans sure love independence. The biggest event in the country happens every fourth of July as a celebration of its emancipation from foreign governments. During that day, pompous fireworks displays fill the atmosphere and flag-laden parades grace the streets. If Americans can go to great lengths to commemorate their history and government, they can surely do the same to honor not only their personal freedom but also the independence attained by their small businesses. According to the U.S. Small Business [...]

How Much Can the Online Platform Increase Your Presentation Reach?

3 Reasons Why Taking Your Presentation Online Is Beneficial

In today’s technological age, it’s impractical and unwise to confine a presentation to the four corners of a room. Whether you like it or not, the majority of your audience can now be found in digital nooks, where their attention is constantly being fought over by brands. If you haven’t explored this platform yet, chances are your competitors have already beat you to it. But not to worry, it’s not too late to set things right and keep abreast [...]